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New interview with IDA about Labour Time Calculation in german newspaper “nd”
Read more: New interview with IDA about Labour Time Calculation in german newspaper “nd”The interview with the IDA in nd discusses the labor-time calculation model, which replaces money with labor-time for economic planning, equality, and addressing care and environmental issues, and also introduces the developed labor-time app.
Talk on the role of banks and finance for democratic economic planning
in VideosRead more: Talk on the role of banks and finance for democratic economic planningOn the 18th of December Solveig Degen and Walther Zeug gave a talk on the role of “Banks in the democratic economic planning debate“. This talk was held during a […]
Is anticipation the new codename for planning?
in NewsRead more: Is anticipation the new codename for planning?Roland Kulke from transform! europe published a short logbook entry on the CRITS webpage entitled: “Anticipation of Change” – a new discourse for democratic economic planning. Here’s an excerpt from […]
Engineers produce a proposal for industrial planning in France
in NewsRead more: Engineers produce a proposal for industrial planning in FrancePolytechnique X-Alternative, a group of former students from an elite French school of engineering, and Intérêt général, a think tank consisting of civil servants, academics, and social movement workers, have published the […]
Call for papers: Connected histories of economic planning in Southern Europe 1945-1989 – Lisbon, June 17-18, 2025
in NewsRead more: Call for papers: Connected histories of economic planning in Southern Europe 1945-1989 – Lisbon, June 17-18, 2025Ricardo Noronha, a professor at the Instituto de História Contemporânea at NOVA FSCH, is circulating the following call for papers for an event in Lisbon on June 17-18, 2025. Here is the call for […]
An article on planning and decarbonisation in New Political Economy
in ArticlesRead more: An article on planning and decarbonisation in New Political EconomyNew Political Economy, one of the most-read journals in political economy, has published an open-access article written in English and entitled Green economic planning for rapid decarbonisation. The article was […]
PROKLA Review by the IDA – On the Planning Debate
in BlogRead more: PROKLA Review by the IDA – On the Planning DebateIDA reviews the latest PROKLA issue on democratic planning, focusing on labor time calculation and key debates on socialization and planning.
Christoph Sorg Interview for Dissens Podcast on democratic economic planning
in PodcastsRead more: Christoph Sorg Interview for Dissens Podcast on democratic economic planningRecently an episode of the german speaking Dissens Podcast has been released, featuring an interview with researcher Christoph Sorg. This episode is the introduction to a series on economic planning […]
Program of the Ecosocialism Conference 2024 London published
in NewsRead more: Program of the Ecosocialism Conference 2024 London publishedThe full program of the Ecosocialism Conference 2024 in London has been published. You can find it here. It has also been added to the event entry for the conference […]
Paper published using AI to construct an alternative history of Cybersyn in the present
in ArticlesRead more: Paper published using AI to construct an alternative history of Cybersyn in the presentAbstract:Neoliberalism has become orthodoxy in the present, erasing competing paradigms and alternative imaginings. Chile’s radical Cybersyn project from 1971 to 1973 offers a departure point for an alternative path, albeit […]
Introduction to Special Issue of “Competition & Change” on “Rethinking Economic Planning” out now
in ArticlesRead more: Introduction to Special Issue of “Competition & Change” on “Rethinking Economic Planning” out nowThe introduction to the special issue on “Rethinking Economic Planning” of the journal “Competition & Change” has recently been published. The introduction was authored by Christoph Sorg and Jan Groos, […]
Paper on the Similarities and Differences between Capitalist and Socialist forms of Planning
in ArticlesRead more: Paper on the Similarities and Differences between Capitalist and Socialist forms of PlanningA new paper by Tiago Camarinha Lopes on the similarities and differences of capitalist and socialist forms of economic planning has been released. It is open access and you can […]
Disclaimer: The news items and events shared on INDEP’s platform are intended to highlight topics relevant to post-capitalism and democratic economic planning. While we curate these posts to ensure they align with our mission – as outlined in our About section – their appearance on this site does not constitute an endorsement by INDEP. We strive to include diverse perspectives, and our role is to serve as a clearinghouse for information, not a promoter of specific views.