Category: Blog
PROKLA Review by the IDA – On the Planning Debate
in BlogIDA reviews the latest PROKLA issue on democratic planning, focusing on labor time calculation and key debates on socialization and planning.
Article on Urban Commons as a Path Beyond Capitalism
in BlogBrief Description:This article discusses how urban commons provide an alternative to capitalist urbanization, focusing on Professor Stefan Gruber’s work with the Atlas of Commoning. It explores the role of architecture […]
New Post on Tomas Härdin’s blog on In-kind Accounting
in BlogIn order to effect control of any system we must first have data on that system. A planned economy, such as I’ve been writing about for the last few years, is synonymous with economic coordination in kind. For such coordination to not be completely arbitrary, to devolve into subjectivist nonsense, we must have accurate in-kind…
A debate about the nature of Soviet planning on Cibcom
in BlogCibcom has published an op-ed signed by Krasni Soldat that debates the translated version of Max Grünberg’s article published in Competition and Change. According to the author, following a thread […]