Anarchist organization “Perspective Self-Management” has included labor time accounting in its program

The anarchist organization “Perspektive Selbstverwaltung” (perspective of self-managment) from Berlin, Germany, has included labor time accounting in its program. Under “Transitional phase,” “PS” writes: “Equal labor time accounting independent of money: In the long term, wage labor should be completely abolished. This means that recording labor time will become superfluous. In a transitional phase, however, due to our socialization in capitalism, it may still be necessary to compensate for labor directly. This can create a balance between what society produces and consumes. One way to do this is to calculate the value of products in terms of labor hours and effort. This allows different types of work (including reproductive work) to be valued and recognized equally, and at the same time we come closer to abolishing money.”

INDEP-Member Initiative Democratic Labor-Time Accounting (IDA) commented on this on their website:

“We welcome this very much, because we believe the concept is necessary to build a society free of domination. We would just like to add that we think that it also makes sense in the long term to record working time so that society has an overview of how much it spends on certain products or services. This does not necessarily mean that work performed then has to be compensated with certificates for consumption.”