Four German authors, Kai Kuhnhenn, Anne Pinnow, Matthias Schmelzer, and Nina Treu, recently published a book in English with Mayfly Books entitled Future for All—A Vision for 2048. The book is a project of the Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (Laboratory for New Economic Ideas), a collective think-and-do tank in Leipzig. It addresses many different questions, from global justice to finance, and also covers subjects like social security and housing. It is available in open-access PDF but can also be bought in paperback.
Here’s an excerpt from the opening of the book:
Imagine waking up in the year 2048.
Where are you? What is this place like?
What forms of transport do you use?
What sort of foods do you eat?
What do you do during the day?
And how do you participate in society?
If you could leave your current lifestyle
behind for a moment and imagine your
future, what would that future be like?
How can it be just, ecological and
achievable – for everyone?
Bon Voyage
You can download the PDF version of the book here: