Democratic economic planning is included in a question of the call for abstracts of a session of this year’s ISEE Degrowth conference with the theme “Building socially just postgrowth futures – linking theory and action”. The session is “Social-ecological work: shifting from productivist and destructive to sufficient, just and democratic work“. The conference will take place from the 24th – 27th June this year in Oslo, Norway.
The relevant question is as follows: “Studies investigating the governance and democratisation of work often focus on demands for a ‘just transition’, which is often vaguely defined and dominated by ecomodernist approaches. What is the contribution of environmental justice-based conceptualisations of just transition for socially just postgrowth futures? How can ecological interests be established and alliances be built among workers, unions and carers movements? How can we enhance the democratisation of work, including the question of what to produce, and which societal needs to be met? How can debates on democratic planning contribute to this endeavour?“
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is the 20th January. More info on how to submit can be found here.