
A list of events hosted by us and by others on democratic economic planning. Watch recordings of past events on our YouTube channel.

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Transition in Work: Dynamics of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Cuba

Institute for Sociology Chemnitzer Str. 48, Dresden, Germany

International conference from 14th to 15th November at the TU Dresden, Institute of Sociology. This conference will focus on Cuba as a laboratory of social change. In particular, work and labour, cultural and gender-specific processes of the current crisis are under scrutiny. The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) created in the course of state reforms […]

Reflecting on Postcapitalist Panels at Historical Materialism Conference (INDEP)


When: Tuesday, November 26th, 18:00 UTC Where: Online (link to be provided upon registration) Following the 21st Historical Materialism Conference, we invite you to join an engaging discussion hosted by INDEP reflecting on this year’s event and its key themes. Notably the three panels organised by INDEP (Socialist Planning 1, 2, and 3). What to […]

Expert Workshop on Democratic Economic Planning

Vienna University of Economics and Business Welthandelspl. 1, Vienna, Austria

This two-day expert workshop titled “Democratic Economic Planning in Times of Planetary Crises”, brings together leading scholars to explore democratic economic planning as a response to planetary crises. The event will feature discussions on ecological planning, alternative economic coordination, directed technological change and societal design. The event is co-organised by the Institute for Spatial and Socio-Ecological […]

An Epic Postcapitalist Documentary with Zachary Marlow (INDEP)


When: Thursday, December 5th, 19:00-20:30 UTC Where: Online (link to be provided upon registration) Join us for an inspiring and thought-provoking event hosted by INDEP with documentary filmmaker Zachary Marlow, as he shares stories and insights from his groundbreaking work on a series of films documenting postcapitalist alternatives around the world. When complete, this documentary […]

Ecosocialism Conference 2024

When: Saturday, December 7, 2024, from 9:30 AM Where: In-person: The Hub, London South Bank University, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6NJ Online: Hybrid options available Key Themes Ecosocialist future (socialist planning, post capitalism, radical abundance) Dismantling Green Colonialism Fighting the Far Right Refugees/Climate refugees and solidarity Workers led green transitions Campaigns Confirmed Speakers John […]

Vijfde sessie van de themagroep Cybernetische Economie van de Socialisten

We bespreken in deze sessie hoofdstukken 12 en 13 van Grondbeginselen der communistische productie en distributie. Als je mee wil doen, stuur een email naar Emil en je krijgt een uitnodiging om deel te nemen aan onze WhatsApp groep!

Towards a progressive agenda to democratise firms: Revisiting worker representation in company boards

CCOO (Comisiones Obreras de Cataluña) Via Laietana 16, Barcelone

Event co-organised by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Economic Democracy Platform (PxDE) and CEHI University of Barcelona. After the Covid-19 pandemic and the Spanish presidency of the EU, the importance of democratizing firms has returned to the political agenda in Spain. Worker representation on company boards or supervisory boards, as one of its best […]

The Future Factory 2025: Exploring Utopias for Peace and Justice

ESC Atelier Autogestito Via dei Volsci 159, Rome, Italy

This year’s Future Factory, which is organized by transform! europe, will include two panels and one workshop prominently featuring the topic of democratic economic planning. The panels are “The future is now: struggles for democratic economic planning”, featuring Edemilson Paraná, Elena Hofferberth and Vito Scalisi, which will be moderated by Anaïs Fley and Eric Meier […]

Attac Arbeitstagung “Das Öffentliche” – Welche gesellschaftlich organisierten Güter und Dienstleistungen braucht es für ein gutes Leben?

Die Tagung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welche Rolle die öffentliche Hand und der sogenannte Dritte Sektor angesichts der aktuellen Krisen spielen (sollen) und in welchem Verhältnis beide zur Zivilgesellschaft stehen. Dabei werden auch die in den letzten Jahren in diesem Feld diskutierten unterschiedlichen Ansätze zur Gestaltung des Öffentlichen wie Commons, Fundamentalökonomie, öffentlicher Luxus aber […]

Cybernetic economics for the 21st century, with Tom O’Brien


On Wednesday 12 February at 20:00 CET the Cybernetic Economy theme group of the Socialists (Netherlands) will be hosting its first digital meeting with an international speaker, Tom O’Brien. They are now coming to the end of our review of Foundational Principles of Communist Production and Distribution and will discuss in broad terms the themes […]