Open Call for Contributions to”IMPACT 2024 Powers of Practices – Scenarios of the Commons” (6th-10th November) – Deadline 25th September

Applications for IMPACT 2024, a transdisciplinary symposium hosted by PACT Zollverein in Essen, Germany, are now open. The Symposium will take place in person from the 6th to the 10th November, deadline for the call is the 25th September. The Symposium includes renumeration of 250€, accomodation and covering of the travel costs. You can apply here.

I share this call because I believe that questions, aspects and already (partially) existing practices of planning would be a good fit for the theme of the symposium. There has already been a lot of overlap of questions of the Commons and their governance and questions of democratic economic planning. If framed with apropriate context this call could be a great opportunity to give the planning discourse some representation in the public cultural life (of Germany).

The description of the symposium and the call is as follows:

“This present time is characterised by numerous social, technological and ecological processes of change and subsequent multiple crises. These are so deeply interwoven that we can no longer confront them individually but only by interlinking their practices and their protagonists on a broad basis.
IMPACT24 is a transdisciplinary forum that asks the question: how can experiences within the arts, technology, urban spaces and the sciences as well as societal fields of knowledge, such as play, sport or crafts, operate and be effective across contexts and disciplines?
Which configurations and practices will succeed in translating existing insights into radically different yet simultaneously concrete possibilities and scenarios? What techniques and activities, rituals and forms
of play, and which protagonists and spaces should be taken into consideration in order to make the critical design processes of our societies more accessible, more inclusive and fundamentally more diverse? How can artistic and other emancipatory practices of transformation, activation, care and sharing be brought together? What roles do spaces of unpredictability, difference and ambivalence play within this evaluation?
IMPACT22 focussed on the knowledge and action zones of locally networked communities, then IMPACT23 considered human attention and its expansion through complex interactions between humans,
ecosystems and the technosphere. Now, IMPACT24 invites us all to dedicate ourselves to transformative practices that become effective on the threshold between scenario and reality.
This Call for Proposals welcomes propositions and projects emerging from artistic, scientific, social, activist or technological fields of work and whose contributors would like to openly share their approaches with
other experts. Based on the contributions selected, the fourday symposium will be flanked by thoughtprovoking presentations in the form of lectures, workshops and artistic interventions.”