Report: Reviving the commons? A scoping review of urban and digital commoning

Report Title:

Reviving the commons? A scoping review of urban and digital commoning

Author Name:

James Henderson and Oliver Escobar


Edinburgh Futures Institute, University of Edinburgh




This report explores the contemporary revival of commoning practices in urban and digital contexts. The authors, James Henderson and Oliver Escobar, delve into the historical roots, current manifestations, and future potential of the commons as a paradigm for socioeconomic transformation, democratic innovation and sustainable community governance.

The review aims to contribute to the growing discourse on the commons, highlighting its significance in contemporary societies and its potential as an alternative to traditional forms of socioeconomic and political organisation via the state and/or the market. Practitioners in the field argue that we are witnessing a revival of the commons in the 21st century. This report interrogates the nature of that revival and explores key concepts, examples, trends and debates in theory and practice, while outlining an emerging research agenda.


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Author Bio:

Dr. James Henderson is a participatory and policy-focused researcher who has worked within community, third, public and academic sectors – including at the University of Edinburgh within various research programmes: What Works Scotland (2015-18); Smart Urban Intermediaries (2019); and, Data Civics/Edinburgh Futures Institute (2022-23).

Professor Oliver Escobar is based at the University of Edinburgh, where he holds the Chair of Public Policy and Democratic Innovation at the School of Social and Political Science, and works as Academic Lead on Democratic Innovation at the Edinburgh Futures Institute. More information: