Work organization, incentives and innovation – article on Cibcom

Cibcom has published an article (in Spanish) by Alan Ernesto Segura Pérez entitled “Work organization, incentives and innovation: limits of capitalism and proposals for a new socialism”.

An excerpt of the introduction (machine-translated into English):

This article begins with a general analysis of the form of dominant economic organization in modern capitalism, the capitalist corporation, focusing on the workforce management mechanisms that it uses to increase productivity in production processes … and conflicts and problems that arise from the use of these particular labor management mechanisms for the benefit of private shareholders …

Subsequently, we went on to the historical analysis of the particular model of Soviet socialism … focusing on the mechanisms of organization of work in socialist state enterprises and their relationship with the Central Plan of the economy. We note … the Soviet model created perverse incentives against the productivity of labour and the innovation capacity of socialist companies.

Finally, we review the models of socialism that seek to present itself as a viable alternative and superior to the late Soviet model, examining their proposals to overcome the flaws and problems that characterized the latter …

In the end we conclude that to a large extent there is already the material basis for the construction of a socialism that surpasses the Soviet model in all respects …

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