Interview with Eric Meier and Simon Hannah on AntiCapitalist Radio about Democratic Planning and Utopian Aesthetics

A podcast interview with Eric Meier and Simon Hannah has recently been released. Simon is the host of the AntiCapitalist Radio podcast, which is hosted by the UK based organisation Anticapitalist Resistance. and talked with Eric about Democratic Socialist Planning and Radical Utopian Aesthetics.

Both are members of INDEP and Simon is the author of the upcoming book “Reclaiming the Future – A Beginner’s Guide to Planning the Economy“, which is going to be published by Pluto Press in November this year. You can preorder it here.

Among other things they talked about Eric’s exhibiton “Art, Design, Aesthetics of Democratic Economic Planning”, which he organized and curated last October in Bonn, Germany. Video documentation of the exhibition can be found here.